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V-Vividly Begin With The End In Mind

"Begin with the end in mind. Start with the end outcome and work backwards to make your dream possible." - Wayne Dyer

Exacting the power of belief in discovering your full potential, starts with having something you want to believe in. As belief is the mental fortitude and thought process that has one see an outcome that has yet to be physically manifested; the item, ideal or goal must be clear enough to create movement towards it to recognize it when it's visible. If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up wherever you're at. The first step in taking your dreams from thoughts to reality is to clarify exactly what it is that you're seeking. The clearer, measurable and defined this picture is; the higher the likelihood that you will recognize it when materialized. If it's undefined, how will you know if you've accomplished it? As simple as this is, most people will not or do not do this step. The numbers are staggering for better or for worse, when seeing the effect of not beginning with the end in mind and getting clear on your target.

  • 92% – New Years goals that fail by January 15th

  • 83% – US population that do not have goals

  • 50% - Likelihood to achieve a goal if written down

  • 14% – People that have a goal in mind but not written down

  • 3% - People that have goals written down

All great accomplishments, dreams, inventions, etc., start backwards. It starts by beginning with the end in mind. As discussed in the blog post, E-Ensure A Successful Attitude, as a telos seeking organism, the mind will consciously and unconsciously focus on its predominant thoughts. The purpose of V-Vividly Begin With The End In Mind, is to focus our attention on what it is that we want. The clarity in which you have a defined outcome/goal you are seeking is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. The conundrum for most is thinking they need to know how they're going to do it forward to accomplish it. If they don't know how, they don't believe it's possible due to the lack of awareness of how success works. As a result, their belief in the possibility of their dream wanes exponentially because they are confronted with being caught off guard by frequently experiencing unknowingness (E-Eternal Education). You don't have to know how you're going to accomplish it, you just need to start by knowing what it is that you want to accomplish and get crystal clear on it. When your 'why' is big enough, the 'how to' always figures itself out.

The level of specificity you put behind your goal will be the level in which all you'll need to accomplish it will be presented unto you. It will show up in the form of insights, opportunities, people, information, seemingly 'lucky' occurrences, being in the right place at the right time, heightened mental acuity, concentrated focus, and amplified awareness. Though it seems counterintuitive, when we are clear on an outcome, our RAS (reticular activating system) will attract all the items, people, places and things that we need in order to accomplish our goal because we know what we are looking for. If we don't know what we want, our minds will either ignore or dismiss this priceless information because we're not clear on a predetermined outcome.

To do something you haven't done before, requires you to learn lessons you've never been taught before. As my late great mentor Van Carrigan shared with me, "you can't get where you're not already". This mindset is why faith and belief are so closely related.

  • Faith - The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJB)

  • Believe - accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.

Regarding faith, substance is something tangible, real, or solid matter. Hope is an expectation for the future that hasn't been realized yet. Evidence is also tangible matter defined as; 'the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid'. Not seen is self explanatory. In this definition of faith, opposites are both true.

Belief has the same do you know something to be true that you can't touch, feel or see? This paradox is the essence of why it is so powerful yet elusive for many. Most of humanity operates out of "I'll believe it when I see it". This is not belief. If you have to see it, touch it, taste it, or use any of your five senses to recognize it, that is an after the fact reality. Belief is in the future yet you know it to be true as much as you witness the sun rising and falling daily. It's unquestioned as fact regardless the evidence saying otherwise. True belief to most is almost incomprehensible to understand because they don't have the faith to go through the challenges that will test your willingness to continue despite the obstacles you'll be faced with.

Paradoxically, successfully accomplishing your dreams works the complete opposite of how most people see it. Average people see success as the opposite of failure and as a result attempt to avoid failure at all costs since they see it as moving further away from their goal. Extraordinary people realize that failure (learning experiences) is necessary for success and on the way, not in the way. People that have average thinking also operate from a have-do-be mentality vs. be-do-have, which thwarts their ability to actually attain the havingness they're seeking.

  • Average thinking - (I.e. - Financial Security [Have, Do, Be]) - When I have the extra money, then I'll do the habit of saving, because then I'll be financially secure.

  • Extraordinary thinking - (I.e. - Financial Security [Be, Do, Have]) - I'll be financially smart and do the habit of saving 10% of everything I make because I'll then have financial security.

You can always tell the level of a persons belief by what they are willing to go through to achieve their dream. Those who understand the power of belief, don't look at challenges as hindering their progressive realization of a worthwhile dream or goal; but rather see the challenges as puzzles needing to be figured out. When you are clear on your 'end in mind', like traveling to a place you've never been, you'll know you're there because you've arrived at the planned destination. This is why once you embark on this journey of discovering your full potential, who you become in the process is far more valuable than what you get from the achievement. The achievement itself will be surpassed, forgotten, or become irrelevant based on new levels of understanding in the future. However, what you've learned from the process in overcoming to become remains with you eternally.

Some may read this and assume, "so all I have to do is believe something and it will come to pass"? The direct answer to this is no. There are several components that are interwoven into the level of your belief being equal to the probability that you'll attain your desire. The questions to ask yourself are as follows:

  1. Is what you want in alignment with your highest value(s)? - There are seven (7) core values that all human beings have. 1-Spiritual, 2-Physical, 3-Mental, 4-Financial, 5-Social, 6-Family, 7-Vocation. Like fingerprints, our hierarchy of values is unique to each individual. Our values are determined by our voids (most missing). Our perceived voids become our most important values. What we value least, is what we are the most complete with. Values are neither good nor bad, best nor worst; they are simply what's important to us as an individual human being. When living according to our highest values we are disciplined, ordered, inspired, and awaken our genius. When living according to our lowest values we are undisciplined, disordered, need motivation, and suppress our genius. If your goal is in alignment with your lower values (and you need to be motivated to do it), you won't be able to develop belief because it's just not important enough for you to pursue. Most of us operate out of values we think are supposed to be important to us (family, spirituality, physical, etc.) based on our upbringing, parents, religion, or social spheres of influence but really aren't. In order to understand what your true hierarchy of values are, all you have to do is look at where you spend the majority of your time, money and who you associate with. This will reveal to you exactly what your highest values are.

  2. Is what you dream of a 'need' or a 'want'? - Needs are those things we need to survive. (I.e. - food, water, love, acceptance, etc.). Wants are those things that are nice to have but not necessary for our survival. When your dream is a 'need' to have, you'll pursue it like you need oxygen to breath. If it's a 'want' to have, at the end of the day your life won't be significantly better without it. If you want to know the secret to increase your belief to equal the level of your dreams, then learn the following equation: Needs(x) X Belief(x) = Inspiration. Though it is simple, there are numerous variables involved to understand it. Most people talk a great game when it comes to saying what they need (there’s a big difference between “want” and “need”!) but if they don’t really believe it, it means nothing. On the other hand, if you ‘really need' something but you don’t have the belief that it can be done or that you can do it, then you will have little inspiration to go after it. The challenge is to be honest with yourself in assessing your needs and belief.

  3. Is what you're seeking something that you're doing because you absolutely love it? - As discussed in L-Live Fanassionously, if you don't love what you're seeking, you won't put in the work and effort needed to become extraordinary at it while discovering your full potential. This is critical to belief because when you're met with opposition, belief will take your hand and guide you through it. Without belief, you'll eventually be met with an obstacle that is too big for you to see your way out and you'll quit.

  4. Are you willing (defined as being willing when you're NOT willing) to do whatever it takes to accomplish it? - As shared in "Outliers: The Story of Success", the level of your belief will coincide with the amount of intentional and specific repetitive practice you'll need to exert to attain excellence. Regardless of the number of years it takes you to put in your 10,000+ hours of deliberate practice, you can't shortcut this work ethic. If you choose to negotiate success rather than doing whatever it takes, then your belief is not strong enough to take you to the promised land.

  5. Have you demonstrated a natural talent, desire or competency in establishing the ability to be excellent at it? - If you want to play in the NBA and are 4'-9", can't run, jump, or shoot above average yet you believe you can still make it...perhaps. Though the likelihood is slim, it's still long as you've demonstrated your ability to compete at a high level along your journey despite the disadvantages you're met with. If you haven't, in discovering your full potential, you might want to consider something that you are naturally good/great at in which despite your handicaps you can still excel. There are numerous examples of people who have defied all odds and still accomplished great feats of human possibilities, however, at some point in time they also demonstrated a unique talent or gift in their area of expertise that once embraced took them to unprecedented heights.

Now let's pull all of these distinctions together with a step-by-step outline of exactly what you need to do in increasing your belief by V-vividly beginning with the end in mind. The most effective way possible to is to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Based) about getting clear on the outcomes you seek.

  • S – Specific: Specificity = Results. I want a new house is an OK goal however to focus your attention the more specific you are the more likely you will achieve it (I.e. - I want a contemporary, ranch style, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 3,000 square foot, open floor plan, 3 car garage home in LA, California)

  • M – Measurable: “I want to be happy,” is an example of an emotional goal that’s hard to measure. I want to lose weight…how much and by when? These questions allow you to measure it and know if you are working towards or away from it until accomplished.

  • A – Attainable: The easiest way to fail in setting goals is to make them too easy or too hard. You want to look at what you have done and pull yourself slightly above that standard. Each time you accomplish one level, you can then move on to the next one

  • R – Relevant: When setting goals for yourself, consider whether they are relevant. Each of your goals should be in alignment with your highest values and larger, long-term goals. If a goal doesn’t contribute toward your broader objectives, you might need to rethink it to have the best opportunity to attain it.

  • T – Time Based: Put a “by when date” on all your goals. If you don’t achieve it, reset it and continue working towards it until it is accomplished. Putting a timeline on your goals both focuses your attention and exponentially multiplies the solutions you’ll need to accomplish it because of the urgency it creates.

We are now only one distinction away from learning what we need to do and how to apply it to our lives in order to maximize our ability to truly 'believe'. It is my sincere prayer, that something I've shared thus far resonates with you in allowing you to breakthrough any limitations of your thinking that has stopped you before. I look forward to continuing this journey together with you and reveling in your gifts benefiting my and humanities life.

B-Be Responsible, E-Eternal Education, L-Live Fanassionously, I-Insist On Integrity, E-Ensure A Successful Attitude, V-Vividly Begin With The End In Mind, with the intention that you will learn and grow in your power to ultimately;



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